Wednesday, July 17, 2013

18 Quotes About Love from Keltie Colleen

Keltie and her future husband
Image source:

Keltie Colleen is one of my favorite bloggers/humans. She has been motivating and inspiring me since the day I discovered her over on her old blog, High Kicks and High Hopes. I've been a loyal "moonbeamer" ever since. (She calls her readers moonbeamers.) 

Keltie is getting married one month from today. She has experienced many ins and outs of love and has shared a vast majority of them in her book and on her blog. On a particularly melancholy and unproductive day awhile back, I found myself gathering up some of my favorite quotes about love from her. And as her big day approaches, I'm just dying to share them.  

These quotes are honest, relevant, inspiring and beautifully worded. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

1. "Am I ruining my relationship because I'm scared of forever or scared that I won't be able to live up to being someone's forever? Was it easier to love people from afar? Was it easier to save people than to have people save me?" 

2. "If the sun is shining on me and I can allow happiness into my heart, then I am the richest girl in town."  

3. "Sometimes, no matter how much time has passed or whose feelings were hurt, a person will always have a very special place in your heart. Years take the edge of rejection. Years take the sadness out of "I can't." The world has an amazing way of giving you what you need, and not always what you want." 

4. "Everyone is perfect for somebody. But we are not always perfect for who we think we should be perfect for. Love will find you. In the places you are not looking. Love is gonna find the people who broke your heart too, and you should want that for them. We all deserve happiness, and once you find your own "meant to be," you won't feel so horrible about your "not meant to be's" loving someone else. Trust me." 

5. "I wish happiness could erase old hurt the way old hurt obliterates knowing better." 

6. "Being in love doesn't equal complete bliss and happiness. There will still be highs and lows." 

7. "When you really love someone, the next feeling is always complete and utter fear of losing them." 

8. "Nothing is forever, so you better love him or her with every heartbeat you have right now." 

9. "Loving someone is really hard. It involves a heck of a lot of trust, courage and fearlessness. It involves giving away parts of yourself and being unsure if you will ever see them again." 

10. "You will have many great loves in your life. Some will last and some will not, but they all have a purpose and meaning." 

11. "You have to be brave and stand up for the love you really deserve, or people will walk all over your heart." 

12. "Sometimes I wonder how much a heart can hold and if loving too much might be the reason hearts get heavy." 

13. "You do not deserve love. You cultivate it." 

14. "Do not try to act or be different in order to make someone love you. Be your beautiful self, and love will come." 

15. "The bottom might fall out, and promises are only good until they are broken, and love is scary, and it's the biggest risk of your life to love something because there's only losing after that."

16. "My soul is scared and empty, and the only thing that seems to make me feel better is the fact that we are all so lost. So, so lost in love." 

17. "There are amazing people to meet, know and love, but you won't ever see them if you keep focusing on the toxic, tragic train wrecks from the yesterdays of your love life." 

18. "Love, whether it lasts one day or ten years, is never easy to lose. Once love lets its feelings loose in your bloodstream, there's no turning back. You breathe different. You talk different. You are different." 

Visit Keltie's website to learn more about her and find her various homes on the Internet. If she doesn't inspire the crap out of you, I don't know who will. 

<3 Madison 


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