Friday, August 30, 2013

10 Ways to Be a Nicer Person

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I am constantly disheartened by the meanness, rudeness and cruelty I see in the world, on the Internet, and in everyday life. Some people are just very cruel and judgmental, and I know that's never going to change. Even some of the most well-meaning people are prone to eyebrow raising meanness every now and then. It's rare to find a nice person who's nice to everyone and not just the people who are easier to be nice to. Why is everyone so hell-bent on fighting fire with fire? Why is getting along so difficult?    

No one is perfect (obviously), but I certainly don't think it would hurt if we all made a conscious effort to be a little nicer to each other. There are simple things you can do and simple things you can become more aware of to make steps towards being a better person.   

Here are 10 things I am working on and would recommend to you:

1. Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.

This is one of my favorite quotes, and I try my very best to live by it. If you want to bash something you hate in your mind or rant about it in your journal, go ahead. But don't do it out loud or post about it on Twitter and Facebook. Instead, talk about what you love and glorify that.  

2. Don't gossip.

I try to avoid gossip as much as possible, and I try to catch myself when I'm saying something negative about someone behind their back. If you have a problem with someone, go to them. Don't whine to other people about it. Also, don't spread rumors about people when you have no evidence to back up the rumors' truth...or even if you do have evidence. Spreading rumors is wrong no matter what.     

3. Be charitable.

You don't have to donate a fat check to your favorite charity every year to be considered charitable. A little can go a long way. I have a cousin who frequently packs lunches for homeless people in her area. If you have the power to help someone in need, do it. All help is good help.   

4. Don't judge.

We're all on our own journey, and we all have our own beliefs and ways of life. Don't judge someone if what they believe or how they live doesn't match what you believe or how you live. Respect other people's paths. You have no right to judge them if you've never been in their shoes.    

5. Give people a chance.

Don't make judgments or assumptions about people until you've truly gotten to know them. A lot of people think I'm anti-social or boring (maybe I sort of am) when they first meet me because I'm so quiet, awkward, and in my head. But the people who have gotten to know me as a human being have been pleasantly surprised. I know it seems easier to judge a book by its cover, but if you do, you could miss out on a great story. 

6. Be polite.

This is a simple one. Say please and thank you. Hold the door open. Smile back. Be friendly. Give people a hand. Don't ask intrusive or personal questions. You get the idea...

7. Be open-minded.

Open-mindedness is one of my favorite human qualities. An open mind leads to an open heart. Be open to what makes each person unique and worthy of love.

8. Give without expecting anything in return.

Expectation of reciprocation takes the joy out of giving. Giving simply because you want to and because it matters to you is the best kind of giving there is. To know that you helped someone or made someone's day should be reward enough.  

9. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Unfortunately, this age old rule is heartbreakingly ignored and underrated. Try to live by it anyway. If you wouldn't want someone doing or saying the thing you're about to do or say to someone else, don't do or say it. That sounds easy enough, right? 

10. Smile more. 

Last but not least, try to smile at people more often. Sharing a smile is such a simple way to be kind and brighten someone's day.

<3 Madison  

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