Wednesday, August 21, 2013

5 Ways to Avoid Complacency in Long-Term Relationships

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Like any other long-term arrangement in life, relationships can become stale and complacent if you're not self-aware. When someone becomes a regular part of your life and routine, it's almost human nature to take them for granted or assume that they'll always be around. They won't. 

All relationships should be treated with care and attention, but romantic relationships should especially get the TLC they need on a regular basis. 

Here are 5 ways to avoid complacency if you're in a long-term relationship that could use a little boost: 

1. Be thoughtful and considerate. 

Thoughtfulness is one of my absolute favorite qualities in a person, and it is a mandatory quality to have when someone else's heart is your responsibility. Extend thoughtful gestures without expecting anything in return. Be supportive and emotionally available. Pay attention to the things that matter to your significant other. Be mindful of their needs. By making a conscious effort to be more thoughtful and considerate on a day-to-day basis, the love between you and your special someone will blossom.  

2. Be playful. 

I wholeheartedly believe in the notion that the couple that plays together stays together (at least for quite awhile). Don't take life or each other too seriously. Do fun things together, play like little kids, and don't be afraid to laugh at inopportune moments.  

3. Go out on real dates.

By real date, I mean get dressed and actually go somewhere. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to watch late night movies in your pajamas or lie next to each other and read your respective books. But I wouldn't recommend making it a habit. Make an effort to go out on real dates and regularly come up with new ideas about what to do together. In the movie Date Night, Phil (Steve Carell) and Claire (Tina Fey) had a date night every week no matter how tired or stressed they were. That's an awesome idea. (Just don't steal anyone's reservation at a fancy restaurant.) 

4. Be spontaneous. 

Spontaneity usually leads to memorable moments. Ditch plans and routine every now and then, and just see where the day takes you. For example, you could take a road trip without a particular destination in mind or surprise each other with different activities throughout the day. Don't be afraid to stray from the usual and get out of your comfort zone. 

5. Consistently try new things together. 

Try to always have something new lined up to do together and look forward to. You might even want to consider making a "couple's bucket list." And after everything has been checked off the list, make a new one! Complacency results from doing the same things over and over again. Do something different every once in awhile to keep the spark alive. 

Do you have any other ideas for avoiding complacency in long-term relationships? I'd love to hear them!  

<3 Madison 

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