Friday, August 16, 2013

Can Money Buy Happiness?

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"Money can't buy happiness." It's a classic adage that I've always embraced. But these days, I both agree and disagree with that statement. 

I certainly feel happier when I have more money coming in, as I'm sure most people do. More money gives me greater freedom and peace of mind. In fact, I've been trying to light a flame under my arse and work harder because my income is very much on the skimpy side at the moment.  

While I agree that money can't actually buy happiness (especially if you're lacking in other more important areas of your life), I definitely think it can lead to feeling happier.  

Allow me to explain my perspective...

Yes, money can contribute to happiness.

I read something in a blog post one time that really stood out to me, and I remember mentioning it once before on my other blog. It said something along the lines of, "It's fine and dandy to say that money isn't everything, but I have a landlord and a phone bill that would beg to differ." 

We all need money. It's an essential necessity in life. We have bills to pay, endless expenses to tend to, groceries to buy, etc. And quite frankly, money can buy a lot of things that lead to happiness---like ice cream and books. (Don't judge me.) 

Studies have shown that people with more money are generally happier than people with less. When the bills are paid, food is on the table, and you still have enough money left over to play with and contribute to things like vacations and entertainment, you feel happier and more secure. And financial stress is one of the greatest causes of discontentment. Being stressed out and not having the means to do the things you need and want to do doesn't exactly lead to joy. So with all of that said, I definitely believe that money contributes to happiness.   

No, money cannot buy happiness. 

So we've established that money can greatly contribute to happiness, which is almost the same as buying it. Almost. While there are lots of great things money can buy, there are even greater things that it can't.

Money can't buy love, peace, inner richness, contentment with self, kindness, friendship, respect, meaning, second chances, trust, gratitude...The list goes on and on.

To me, some of the best sources of joy are intangible and priceless. So if you're lacking the above, no amount of money can truly make you happy.

Do you think the old adage, "Money can't buy happiness" is a crock, or do you believe that the best things in life are free?

Share your thoughts if you have any!

<3 Madison       

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