Friday, August 9, 2013

Fun Activities to Do as a Family

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It's easy for most families to fall into the general day-to-day rut of routine and forget to spend any real time together. I think it's good to make a point to do fun things together, even when you'd rather just sit on the couch and watch crime shows in your pajamas. Planning and executing fun activities with the people you love is almost always worth it.

Get out of your routine rut this weekend, and do one (or more) of the following activities with your family:

~ Pretend to be tourists in your own city. Try different restaurants, visit different parks, go sightseeing, etc. You could even top off the day by staying at a local hotel. And don't forget to take lots of pictures!

~ Have a "family favorites" themed dinner. Each family member brings their favorite recipe to the table. It's okay if everyone's favorite recipe is a dessert recipe. The only rule is that it has to be your favorite. 

~ Go to a local park or zoo that you've never been to before. 

~ Have a picnic at a scenic location.

~ Go out to eat, or simply sit down and share a meal at the same table. No cell phones or electronics allowed. 

~ Go kayaking or canoeing. 

~ Have a family game night. (I personally don't care much for game nights, but if it sounds fun to you, go for it!) 

~ Plan your next family vacation. Let everyone pitch in and share their ideas. 

~ Film a home video. Remember those? 

~ Leave the house early in the morning, and commit to not going back until the sun has gone down. You can do whatever you want while you're gone all day. However, do not plan ahead. This is supposed to be spontaneous. Just get up, get dressed, and get out of the house. (You might want to bring some money and any other desired necessities along.)   

~ Go ice skating.

~ Go window shopping.

~ Camp out in the backyard. 

~ Have a movie night. And take a vote on which movies to watch. 

Do you have any other ideas? I'd love to hear them if you do!

Happy Friday! :-)

<3 Madison

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